Monday, January 7, 2008

Willie 14.13

Someone commented on the last entry, which I'll respond to tomorrow, when I have time to do it justice. Until then, here's a scrap.


(15:21:03) Adam Zero: hui!

(15:21:07) Adam Zero: How goes it?

(15:21:09) Zoni: good

(15:21:29) Zoni: I'm trying to calucate execution rates for countries

(15:21:41) Adam Zero: dang.

(15:21:44) Zoni: not sure exactly how to do it, though

(15:21:52) Zoni: I have figures for executions and population

(15:22:04) Zoni: do I just divide, then?

(15:22:18) Adam Zero: That's the naive way to do it.

(15:22:27) Adam Zero: (Naive meaning... without further info, not the offensive meaning).

(15:22:28) Zoni: I thought it looked wrong

(15:22:47) Adam Zero: You'd have to also consider how many of the population are convincted for offenses with executable punishments.

(15:22:57) Adam Zero: for instance, in Islam, rape is an executable offence.

(15:23:10) Adam Zero: However, you need 2 male witnesses or 4 female witnesses to convict someone of rape.

(15:23:19) Zoni: so I'd need death row numbers, too

(15:23:23) Adam Zero: Ya.

(15:23:33) Zoni: trickier to get

(15:25:02) Adam Zero: Exactly.

(15:25:20) Adam Zero: There's a good website for social sciences data though... can't remember the name though.

(15:25:24) Adam Zero: It's like Pullap or something.

(15:25:33) Zoni: In China, "In the past the government collected a "bullet fee (子弹费)" from the relatives of the condemned."

(15:25:39) Adam Zero: Hahahahaa!!!!

(15:26:02) Zoni: that's some cold shit

(15:26:17) Adam Zero: Indeed.

(15:26:19) Adam Zero: China would do that.

(15:26:45) Adam Zero: Supposedly in their schools, there is this "teacher" that runs from room to room just yelling at the kids and telling them to shut up.

(15:26:52) Adam Zero: This person doesn't actually teach or anything.

(15:27:03) Zoni: nice

(15:28:09) Adam Zero: Yep... job securite.

(15:29:35) Adam Zero: bullet fee.

(15:29:40) Adam Zero: That's an awesome album name

(15:29:42) Zoni: heh

(15:31:08) Zoni: looks like China's all over the place

(15:31:25) Zoni: in more ways than one

(15:31:32) Adam Zero: Ya... I have a feeling the next 30 years might have a civil rights movement.

(15:31:33) Adam Zero: Hahah

(15:33:11) Zoni: I feel like we have one more bout of reactionary governmental communism, then a gradual easing off into quasi-capitalism, Shanghai-style

(15:34:42) Zoni: what I need is a nice table of capital punishment data covering maybe 10 years, all figures from a single source

(15:34:49) Zoni: and I'm just not finding it

(15:35:09) Adam Zero: What's your hypothesis?

(15:36:23) Zoni: just to see which countries are most kill happy, and to look at the numbers and see what that might say about each

(15:37:03) Zoni: most kill happy by rate and tally, I should clarify

(15:37:30) Zoni: wikipedia say china has the highest tally, but Singapore has the highest rate

(15:37:50) Adam Zero: Well... China's population simply dwarfs Singapore.

(15:38:00) Zoni: exactly

(15:38:40) Adam Zero: You'd kind of expect the country with highest capital punishment rate to have a lower population.

(15:40:17) Zoni: yeah

(15:40:49) Zoni: and looking at just what it takes to calculate it, I think capital punishement figures aren't really indicative of anything by themselves

(15:41:26) Adam Zero: China is bloodthirsty compared to modern Europe with capital punishment.

(15:41:50) Zoni: isn't it abolished in the EU

(15:42:46) Adam Zero: huh, I have no ide.a

(15:42:49) Adam Zero: What are your thoughts?

(15:44:48) Zoni: It seems reasonable to me that an offense (or series of) can be so egregious that, barring genuine rehabilitation, the risk that that person could have contact w/ human beings is unacceptable

(15:45:23) Zoni: where exactly to draw that line, I don't know off the top of my head

(15:45:45) Adam Zero: That's close to me, actually.

(15:45:52) Adam Zero: I mean, prison has two purposes:

(15:46:02) Adam Zero: rehabilitation and confinement.

(15:46:08) Zoni: right

(15:46:11) Adam Zero: If someone has no psychological hope...

(15:46:22) Adam Zero: why waste everybody's time killing him by imprisonment

(15:46:43) Adam Zero: (him or her)

(15:46:58) Adam Zero: I just do'nt knkow what to think about public executions.

(15:47:23) Zoni: I do think the hair-splitting over "humane" ways of killing are a joke

(15:48:15) Zoni: as if sparing someone we want dead anyway a traumatic last few minutes or seconds puts us on any kind of moral high ground

(15:48:52) Zoni: The death penalty has been totally abolished in almost all European countries (47 out of 50). A moratorium on the death penalty is a condition of membership in the Council of Europe and abolition is considered a central value to the European Union.
Only in Belarus and Kazakhstan (a small part of Kazakhstan is in Europe) is it still practiced - this being one reason for which they have been refused membership into the Council of Europe.

(15:49:09) Zoni: Russia maintains it for ordinary crimes, but observes a moratorium in practice. Their last execution was in 1996.

(15:49:33) Adam Zero: huh

(15:49:46) Adam Zero: Strange, and their crime rates aren't really that much worse than America as far as I know.

(15:50:19) Zoni: pretty sure it's a difference of philosophy over there, not practicallity

(15:54:30) Adam Zero: True.

(15:54:45) Adam Zero: Well.. I always hear Americans complaining about the cost of our prison systems.

(15:54:56) Adam Zero: I guess our figured lead the world in the amount of imprisonment.

(15:55:11) Adam Zero: *figure

(15:55:20) Adam Zero: *figures and by this I mean rate.

(15:55:23) Zoni: right

(15:55:50) Zoni: I think prisoners should have to work to stay alive

(15:56:33) Zoni: not Battle Royale-style, but there should be an similar element of economic risk that exists on the outside

(15:56:42) Adam Zero: es

(15:56:43) Adam Zero: *yes

(15:56:58) Adam Zero: I guess a large concern is the amount of people who get reimprisoned.

(15:57:04) Adam Zero: I am all for chain gangs.

(15:57:17) Zoni: there's plenty of rocks that need breaking

(15:57:22) Adam Zero: Lol.

(15:57:58) Adam Zero: And after release, they can make it singin' blues traditionals in the night clubs.

(15:58:32) Zoni: Or, maybe would could defer any economic gains beyond basic survival until after they get out

(15:59:17) Zoni: I'm not sure what would cross the line into cruelty, but there could be a free outside place to sleep, and sleeping on a bed indoors could be a privilege

(15:59:34) Adam Zero: Haha

(16:00:19) Zoni: the idea being, rooms and food cost taxpayers money

(16:00:26) Adam Zero: Indeed

(16:01:14) Zoni: and gym equipment and cable tv and all that

(16:01:17) Zoni: and laundry

(16:02:49) Adam Zero: ya.

(16:03:01) Adam Zero: Heck, minus the anal rapage and beatings, prison has a lot of amenities.

(16:03:27) Adam Zero: And those things shouldn't be the downside to prison.

(16:03:47) Zoni: Yeah. Even I don't have cable.

(16:04:01) Zoni: This is what got me thinking to begin with

(16:04:17) Zoni: I think the "unusal" part of "cruel and unusal" screws us up

(16:06:14) Zoni: it's used as a loophole for those who want capital punishment abolished

(16:06:26) Zoni: and it's sloppy language to begin w/

(16:07:28) Zoni: I'm sure it seemed like a sensible qualifier for "cruel" when it was written,

(16:08:06) Adam Zero: Family Guy: "Should we reword the second amendment, though?"

(16:08:21) Adam Zero: "What do you mean, how could it be any clearer? Everyone has the right to a pair of bear arms to hang in their home!"

(16:08:33) Zoni: heh

(16:08:35) Zoni: like that shirt

(16:11:13) Adam Zero: I have to take off.

(16:11:23) Adam Zero: Be sure to post whatever you come up with.

(16:11:27) Zoni: will do

(16:11:29) Adam Zero: peace

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