Thursday, April 1, 2010


In other April 1st news, lefties acknowledge the hype over Obama's tax cuts is a massive smokescreen to obscure the crippling debt and deficit already accruing under Obamacare.

"Yeah, we've known the whole time those tax cuts aren't so much as a drop in the bucket of acid about to be dumped in America's face-- a bucket of acid marked Insolvency," confessed Mao Mao Amerikkkastein, a prominent left-wing activist who changed his name in college to ace his Social Justice final without having to bother with the formality of a written thesis.
"It was just good rhetoric to scream at Teabaggers. Made them look uninformed, if you didn't think too hard about it. And by 'thinking hard about it,' I mean 'failing to pretend adding a multi-billion bureaucracy to the health-care system will somehow cut costs.' I also mean 'failing to pretend that the need for the individual mandate somehow isn't proof in itself that we just don't have the means to (further) socialize medicine.'
"Look," continued Amerikkkastein, squatting to spray diarrhea on both an American and an Israeli flag, "We're not stupid. We know Canada can only... HHNNNGH, excuse me... afford Single-Pay because, thanks to American military might, they can spend dick on national defense. And since we read British news sites obsessively, we know Europe's system is as least as big a crapshoot as ours. Obviously Obamacare isn't going to work. Hell, even Medicare's about to go tits up.
"But certain failure or no, we're supposed to try anyway. That's the moral thing to do. In fact, I don't get why the" --Amerikkkastein waves his arms sardonically-- "supposedly Christian Teabaggers aren't down for this. I guess they've forgotten that part in the Bible that says 'Render unto Caesar what is God's, so Caesar can do God's work for Him.' Hypocrites, man."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Democrats and Other Retards:

Obama, as you know, has named his Supreme Court nominee. I'm sure many of you are worried that the big, scary right-wing conspiracy is going to launch another of its vicious smear campaigns against soon-to-be Justice Sotomayor, spreading all stripe of fib and slander. Like we do.

Fear not. We know how hard it gets out there for a woman, trying to break the glass ceiling and everything. We'll play nice.

In fact, we'll treat her with no less than the same tact, fairness, due praise, and respect you gave Sarah Palin last year.

Rest assured.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friends and family keep telling me I'm not funny. I think my latest volley of Tweets disproves that once and for all.

brizoni Weird spike of math nerd snobbery at XKCD today. The "B" is all the differentiating context "billion" needs from "million," homey.
less than 5 seconds ago from web

brizoni Ooh, 69 updates. Nastay.
less than 5 seconds ago from web

brizoni But now it's 70.
less than 5 seconds ago from web

brizoni 71.
less than 5 seconds ago from web

brizoni 72.. 3!
less than 5 seconds ago from web

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Babelfish Experiment

The low one in stereos of the car warped the Kids’ the untiring pornography of the computer of the appreciation of music approximately in the same way warped its sexuality. They don’ t hears music, them feels it. It’ tactile s. E the low one in the majority (because it triturates words, Zoni? It’ s ALL) stroke wasn’ of the daily pay-Gangsta; t projected to be tactile, as soon as only sounds as the mud in the cars where you couldn’ t hears a meteor to hit on secondary woofer.

This entrance was typed in Babelfish. Translated the Portuguese, then in return to the English. How much meant it will survive to the trip? Not very.

I knew Babelfish would twist “sub” into “secondary”! I knew it!

I’m starting new blogs on Blogger and WordPress. They’ll be mirrors of the livejournal until I think of something else to do with them.

Then why start them at all, you ask? I wanted to have accounts to comment on blog systems other than Blogger (would have signed up with TypePad, but it costs money! Can you believe it? Paying for a service?). True, I could have just gotten accounts and not blogged, but that feels too much like squatting.

I think that should do it

flush post